Friday, September 20, 2019

How Cello Lessons Benefit Learners?

Learning music lessons serve a learner a number of quality benefits to boost personality and career. With this, students learn numerous skills in one-on-one and group learning. So, if you are planning to register your child in cello lessons Singapore, keep in mind its the right time to register. Because learning starts in early-stage helps the students to learn and understand notes fast.

There are many other benefits of learning cello lessons from classes. Let’s discuss them:

cello lessons singapore

One To One Attention

Cello lessons are delivered in two forms i.e private lessons and in classes. So, if you feel your ward is at the beginning stage and need special attention to learn and play. Private lessons are the best option for them. Students can gain skills individually and can play well. Once the teacher makes sure that the student becomes a master in playing the first lesson, then only the mentor moves to another one. This can cost parents a little high but helps the student in understanding skills properly. 

Focus On Student’s Queries

In private lessons, the teacher gets enough time to focus on a student. Therefore, he can teach according to the student’s strengths and weaknesses. Pointing the student on the initial stage helps them to learn piano theory and practical lessons correctly. At this stage, the student gets sufficient time to improve. In addition, those who are dreaming of a successful career in music. Learning cello is the best way to shine a career in the music industry. A qualified teacher gives the learner advance level cello practice. That helps them to stand in any competition.

Refine Discipline And Patience

A routine to visit cello learning classes helps the students to be disciplined. Children also build a habit of making their schedule at home and get some time to practice what they learn in class. Hence, at an early age, he knows how to plan for starting and finishing their work on time. The next biggest benefit that learning cello lessons taught students to have patience. Because playing correctly a cello lesson takes time. Therefore to learn a complete lesson one needs to be patient and practice again and again over the same notes. 


If you are dealing with a busy schedule, learning cello from a private teacher will be the best option for you. You get the opportunity to find a teacher that can teach you as per your schedule. If you found any issue during learning, you can also share it with the teacher and get a suitable solution. Which is very hard to find in group classes. In addition, your one-day absence can also make you or other students suffer. 

Combination of group and solo can do wonders

If you are taking group lessons, then taking a few solo lessons can prove highly advantageous. In group lessons, where you left some sessions due to non-attending classes, solo classes help you to cover all lessons & chords. You can communicate with the teacher and ask for special queries. In solo classes, even the best student gets the chance to improve and learn one step further. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tips To Improve Your Cello Learning Skills

If you already know how to play the cello and now decided to improve your skills, its a wonderful and rewarding decision for you. The cello produced warm and rich tunes, therefore it is beloved instruments from many centuries. Just by improving their skills, one can conveniently relate their voice range with cello music. But, how to improve cello learning skill, is the biggest concern? The first tip, never let down your practice, irrespective the conditions. The second tip, join Cello lessons Singapore to be more regular and learn advanced skills. Let’s discuss these and others in detail:

Table of Content

Make A Schedule!
Warming Up
Look At Bowing While Practising
Scales Are Important
The Right Way To Hold Cello
Bow Maintenance
Listen Back What You Play
Practice Slowly!

And Finally

Make A Schedule!

If you had decided your practice schedule like time, length of session and place. It is important to strict to it. You can use diary, clock or phone settings to put an alarm. Remember, practice is the key to success. 


Warm-up is essential to start a fresh day practice or between two sessions. The applies to both right-left hand and arms. You need need to prepare your muscles to perform best. In the initial stage, you can try on the G and C scale and then move further. Thereafter, concentrate on your speed building.

If you joined cello coaching classes, they will provide you with their own lessons. Tryin them regularly will improve your performance and boost productivity. Keep in mind, your third and fourth fingers are actually the weakest, therefore, pay special attention to them. But, if your hands feel tired, give them rest for a few seconds.

Look At Bowing While Practising

While practising, it is not essential to just focus on the left hand and the fingering in passages, but you should concentrate on the bow that helps you to facilitate the passage. You must keep your bow and play smooth music to attract the audience’s attention and play well. 

Scales are Important

Playing scales can strengthen your fingers and keeps you to be focused. Your muscles memory get improved by using it. Therefore, it is essential to spend some quality time whenever you are practising. You can become sharper. 

The Right Way To Hold Cello

While playing the cello, it is highly important to have a good posture and calm. This will boost your concentration power and makes you able to produce more beautiful music. Standing and using a music stand, keeps your neck inline which will also reduce the risk of injury. So, always play in standing and using a music stand, keep your posture dramatically.

Bow Maintenance

After completing your lesson you should always loosen your bow and keep it tight when starts playing. You can apply rosin to tighten it and use fast strokes to begin at the frog. Rosin assist you to make grip better and produce greater vibration and a clearer sound.

Listen Back What You Play

Listening own recordings is a great help for own playing. You can use CDs, mobile phone or other devices to record your voice. Keep in mind your music played quality matters. Listening own recording will help you to judge your actual sound production and understand the tweaks needed to improve your skills. Therefore, do not forget this tip to check when you’re not playing as beautifully as you could be and recognise yourself. 

Practice Slowly!

Slow practice helps you to learn and understand Cello note. You can play music well if you had practised slowly during rehearsal. Thereafter you can start practising fast. Remember, slow practice always recommend you for your mistake and the probability of losing music tunes reduces.


Music has been always been fun to create new tunes on songs. Therefore, never ignore the practice segment. Make a list of 10-12 songs and start practising on them. Initially, you may face some issues like not playing a relevant tune or inappropriate timing etc. But later on, when everything gets fine you will surely enjoy play songs on your cello instrument. This will really add fun and improving your skills.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Playing Piano - 5 Things That You Should Consider

There are lots of musical instruments around us to learn and play. But, the piano always has a significantly high number of fan following over others. Scientific studies also prove that children who start piano learning between 5-8 yrs of age have quicker learning power. They can easily understand every instrument and score well in academic. Getting a good hand in learning piano lessons Singapore that help them in becoming a good musician. Apart from music only, students also learn discipline, responsibility and self-dependent characteristics.

If you are too interested to join piano lessons or to put your child in piano classes, here we have some features that demand your consideration before joining. Just look at them:

  1. The inspiration behind piano learning
  2. High-cost of instrument
  3. Type of music you want to learn
  4. Piano standard
  5. Learning period and Fee

Let’s know 5 things that you should consider while playing the piano

  • The inspiration behind piano learning

Every learner has a different aim to learn and play the piano. Think and check out what is your’s:

- Just to play songs: For such motivational people need not bother a lot. It’s good to learn some basic and buy some notes from a nearby bookstore or websites like and start practising. You can easily play pop or classic that you like most. Taking help from digital piano classes will also be of great help.

- Just to entertain: Some choose piano classes to entertain himself as well as family. For such students choosing private piano, classes will be worthful. Students can learn and play their favourite songs under own courtyard. 

-Piano as Career: Some passionate people choose piano as a career. For such learner experienced piano teacher, notes and learning in the group are some crucial factors. These will help them to motivate and guide for shortcomings in performance.

  • High-cost of instrument

The piano is among the costlier instruments and requires a great portion of the investment for a middle man. Therefore for some people’s, it’s hard to acquire their own branded piano and a new one. Keep in mind, there are also many brands in the market that offer piano at affordable rates. You can conveniently buy from them. With this, you can also learn from music schools. These schools provide students own space and instruments. This will make their learning process easy.

  • Type of music you want to learn

There can be different styles of music played with piano-like pop, Jazz, classical and blues music. To start playing, famous musicians also start with classic style and then move toward others. Learning the Pop style is quite difficult compared to classical. This requires a group to practice and to play songs. This style is also famous for social music form. While playing musician always need to consider music with singer and situation contrast. Where the rest forms are based on solo performance. One needs to play music solely.
Choose what style you want to opt-in your learning period. This will help you to learn faster and better. 

  • Piano standard

Some people assume that they can learn and play piano from their own resources. Therefore, they plan to learn and play from notes or learning via the internet. This was the same that I did. After some time I feel bored by playing the same music and in the same style. Finally, I took the decision to hire a private tutor. Hiring him to make me feel how wrong I was. Most of the time I played the wrong music. The teacher not only guides me piano standards but also new patterns to play it well. To check my skills I also enrolled in the nearby piano exam and get to know about my skills with a certificate. 

  • Learning period and Fee

Learning through a piano school is the best way to learn fast and better. Wherever to do mistakes a guide is always there to find out and correct your mistakes. If you plan to learn from Piano lessons Singapore, its good to check piano teacher availability under your schedule, available instrument, fees, the time period for the complete course. Whether they conduct the exam for evaluation or not. And what about class strength.

Monday, August 5, 2019

7 Important Rules For Beginner Guitarist

Playing musical instruments is a challenging affair, especially if it is Guitar and you are a beginner. Initially, it is quite hard to understand the chords and the way to produce music. When things come to play the guitar for a song, the difficulty level get increase and becomes hard for hands to control correctly. But, if your beginning is good, your passion to play the guitar can go miles away with you. You can conveniently work on imagination and creations, where many people leg behind.

On the other side, if your child is 6years and you are planning to put your child in kids guitar classes, believe me, it's a right time. In this write-up, we are going to discuss 7 basic rules that help every beginner guitarist.

The Formost Rule, Stay Easy

If you are a beginner, you should not strive to learn immediately. This will disappointed you very quickly and it’s very likely that you will abandon the guitar because of this! This piece of musical equipment is very complex to play. In order to play it well, you need to replay a small number of technical studies and works that strengthen the technique of the playing guitar with adequate combination of hands and fingures. Do not immediately try to become masters.

Start Playing at a Low Pace

The next thing is to start guitar practice at a low pace. This will help you to learn chords, scale levels, studies and other parts. Also, you can start learning guitar by figures to play the guitar at the best level. As in guitar, everything lies on player’s your fingers. Hence always start your practising at a low pace.

Record Your Every Music

The Third and golden rule is to record everything that you play. You can use tape or a computer in order to listen to music repeatedly. This also helps in judging performance. I remember, when I started learning I wrote down everything I learned and listened to. At the same time, very interesting things surfaced in the record when somewhere, fingers didn’t fall into frets or somewhere “the pace was floating”.

After that, I concluded: everything is not so well worked out, i choose to learn properly. But playing correctly, without hesitation is already completely different. Then I found out those measures in which I was mistaken, frets that I did not fall into and began to play them until I achieved a clean game. That was my story.

Recording your music on tape is a good thing, both for practicing equipment and for prevention. So do not discount this exercise. Record, on an audio tape, a computer, and even a cell phone - to whom you like. Go ahead.

Keep Fingers Rough And Tough

For a smooth playing of the guitar over note or chord, the fingers of the left hand are prepared for earlier in order to hold the desired fret or string. The fingers of the right hand are also located near the strings that help in speed, convenience and saving finger movement.

Play Until You Get Tired

Some musicians question how much time should be devoted to practicing the instrument per day. In my words, if you are free then do not bound yourseld in time frame. The higher numbers of hours you spend, the more you will learn. So, do not stop your practice unless you get bored of it.

Sing What You Play

When you play etudes or scales music, you should sing to yourself or out loud the note you are playing. Thus, the guitar neck is better absorbed and memory is strengthened. In this case, you need to play and sing, naturally at a slow pace. You will get melodious voice and can play amazing guitar.

Learn in Parts

Before you start cramming a gamma or piece, you should read it completely from the sheet in order to have an idea of ​​what you are playing. And then learn by measure. As the same way you learn poem in schools. First you learn the first 2 measures, then the next 2 measures. Putting it all together. And so on.

The Best Rule, Work With a Teacher

A good teacher can explain everything in an accessible way. He can tell what is necessary and in a correct manner. That help the students learn and play guitar in better way. So, if you are staying in Singapore, Guitar Lesson Singapore will help you to leatn and play guitar in a effective way.

But the last statement is paradoxically, in the final analysis, everything depends on your independent work and perseverance. The teacher just guides you in the right direction, gives you the basics of playing the guitar. And on this I have everything that I wanted to share today with you. I really hope that my advice will help you in mastering new pieces on the guitar.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Various Advantages of Playing the Viola For Kids

With the growing trend of violin and cello, the viola is most of the time overlooked string instruments. However, in addition to advancement in your child’s academics, the viola has numerous other lifelong advantages. One of the key advantages of choosing viola for your child is that it is less popular instruments. Therefore, your child will meet with less competition that boosts the chances of career growth. By playing in a group, your child will learn teamwork.

If you are still uncertain about choosing the viola, the list of benefits will help you to decide for viola.

Academic Advancement

Just as other string instruments, the viola has great significance in the academic field. Over the past few years, parents and educators observed from Viola lessons in Singapore the importance of music and seem that students learning music are more active than others. In addition, viola learners are also found good in mathematics. From the division of notes to the tonal frequencies measurement - everything is based on mathematics. This will help your kid's brain development and make mathematics a storngest subject.

Benefits of Early Training

In a study by Nina Kraus in 2012, it was found that music helps in a child’s brain development. They start understanding fast speech and sounds effect. Viola is one of the easiest played instruments, so even if you had played in childhood, your child can adopt in any age of life. Playing the viola is the most enjoyable activity. Therefore, students start learning it seven or even at less than seven years of age.

Helps for Performing in School

Acquiring skill in one of the least played instrument, help your ward to perform well in school, college or university level function. Another key advantage is that being less competitive string instruments, your child will be more in limelight than other fellow students. In addition, whenever the opportunities arise to do the job in your educational instrument, viola gives you leg up to join in the reputed position.

Career Opportunities

Students playing viola in groups learn teamwork and leadership skills. Therefore, if your child wants to explore his talent in ways he can go with viola to experience the real world. So, if you are applying for the managerial position, keep in mind companies always found in search of people that can work own or with others. Learning viola help you to acquire managerial skills to manage and coordinate with teamwork. In addition, your child will learn scheduling, time management, preparation and coordination skills. He will learn skills to make a flexible decision.

Personal Benefits 

Viola helps in building communication and social connections. As the violin and viola look similar. Therefore, the majority of the conversation starts with “Excuse me, is that a violin?” and can goes miles away. Hence learning some that which is not so popular gives your child a reason to show their skills and stand out of crowd.

Bottom Line

Playing the viola from Viola lesson in Singapore not only build your kid’s academic performance but also assist in the overall development of students. Your child learns and acquires marketable skills that will assist him to get a dream job. In the end, viola helps your child’s for building personal and professional personality.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Why Children Quit Their Cello Lessons - 5 Top Reasons!

A huge number of children begin to study music rather early because the early years are best suited to begin to comprehend performing skills. Some people prefer to send students to music schools for joining special programs while other parents send them to music schools or hire private tutors. But one to two years later, half of the children give up classes after the start of training. Why does it happen?

There are several reasons for this: 

  • The child has no musical talent; 
  • The child is too busy with other activities; 
  • The child hates playing at home; 
  • The child does not like his/her teacher. 

But the real reasons for abandoning music theory lesson is often rooted in those factors that children cannot explain to themselves and their parents. It is the task of teachers and parents to provoke the skills of students during the school year. So, the child would like to continue to practice and improve in playing the instrument. Here are some causes of the problem and ways to solve them: 


The bitter truth is that many non-musical teachers and school administrators do not put music on a par with other subjects, such as math, literature, English or history. But parents need to do it. No one would allow a child to abandon the lessons of mathematics or other subjects. You can imagine how many children would immediately take advantage of this opportunity. Understand for yourself, there are very few schools in which everything is arranged perfectly. If you really want your child to learn music, begin to treat it yourself as the main subject. 


In the absence of the right teaching tools and training habits to succeed in any endeavour, any child will want to curtail their musical activities rather quickly. The role of teachers and parents is to develop these habits in the child and start doing it from the very first lesson. Teachers should teach the child how and where to practice, why and how. And parents should get at least a minimal idea of how a child studies music in order to support it at home. Do not forget to periodically make video recordings with your child’s play. It will teach him/her to understood how to extract the sound or pick up a chord.  


Worn strings or keys, a curved neck, a crack on a plate, all this can cause great damage to the child's play. Sometimes the malfunction is almost invisible, and therefore the child thinks that he/she is doing something wrong. Therefore, the children, teachers and parents should ensure that the instrument is in working condition. 


Parents are very important to understand what kind of music their children love. If the child has not yet figured out his/her own tastes, then take him/her to concerts or put records at home. It will help to get the maximum amount of information as a result. In order to learn to enjoy his/her lessons, it is incredibly important to play what he/she likes. Most of the songs and compositions can be found on the Internet, notes, chords, tablature. If the child is working with a tutor, then talk to him/her and ask to add an individual part in addition to the standard lessons. 


Statistics show that students who do not practice can end up their interest in music soon. A whole year of the study may simply sink into oblivion if the child is not told that it is necessary to continue playing the instrument and doing practice daily. This is not only during the school year but also necessary to practice regularly. The first sounds coming from the instrument after a long break can upset the child so much that he/she immediately wants to give up his/her lessons and never return to them. 

Bottom Line 

Of course, there are ups and downs in music studies. That's why children need to do more practice at home on a daily basis.In addition, parents also need to be extremely sensitive. They need to understand when a child needs a break, and when they better offer a reward for a lesson. The cello lessons in Singapore are available at a reasonable price. With the right approach from teachers and parents, they help the children to learn and achieve success in music.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How To Learn Violin Lessons At Any Age?

Violin is a popular instrument that offers endless performance possibilities to musicians. Due to its reputation, many people think about to learn violin. There is a misconception that learning violin from childhood is more effective than starting it from middle age or above that. People assume that if they do not start during childhood, then it will become difficult later on. 

But a true fact is that anyone can learn violin at any age. By mastering your skills like desires, discipline and determination will make easy to learn violin. Age shows the factor that how quickly a child or an adult can adapt the instrument. Embracing new concepts can be easy for a child, whereas an older student has an advantage in the discipline department. Therefore, find the best ways to learn the violin at any age. 

Everyone has different strategies to learn instruments. Some are good in hands-on activities, while others incorporate information better through reading and listening. The techniques used for learning violin are flexible and able to adjust a particular learning style or preference. However, here are the following ways to learn violin lessons at any age. 

Make a Choice Over Learning Style 

The primary learning style will influence your overall success and enjoyment. It is very important to pick a style that you are comfortable with. It can be enthusiastic about learning and practising. Practising is an essential part of learning technique in regards to master your skills perfectly.  

With the availability of practising learning violin ways, the students can choose the best one. By using the online method, choosing personal instructor, or attending a class in a group will offer different benefits and advantages.  

  • Hire Private Teacher: Hiring a private teacher in your area will teach you the fundamental concepts. It can be a good choice to build your skills. This is a traditional and effective method for most beginner violin students. The famous and private violin lessons in Singapore are available at a reasonable price. By visiting your local area or by using an online database to search in your area, you can find a great instructor. 
To know about hiring a teacher click on 5 Best Tips To Cater Before Finding A Violin Teacher

  • Online Courses and Software Programs: The online instructional course is the best choice if your schedule makes it difficult for you to attend formal learning sessions. With a wide range option of videos, books, and even chat help for beginner violin students, the students of any age can learn the violin easily. In addition, you can purchase software programs. These include games and other activities that introduce musical concepts using age-appropriate characters and similar fun methods.

  • Group Classes: Group classes are conducted at public service places like schools and community centers. Group violin lessons offer the benefit of engaging with another student. It is an important part of learning violin. By finding an appropriate method that meets your particular needs, you can get the most from the learning system.  

Do Practice Daily 

Practising is one of the most important factors in learning the violin. Some studies have shown that deliberate practice will help to focus on all your mental and physical abilities. It is more effective which will help you to improve your skills in instrument playing. Therefore, it is necessary to develop deliberate practice techniques as a violin student. 

Find Additional Tools & Resources 

It is helpful for beginner violin students to embrace additional resources for learning violin. With the help of great violin apps, you can engage your learning process further. You can find the games that help you to learn music notation, improve your notation, and increase your bowing skills. You can also increase the music skills with these apps when you do not have an instrument. 

Bottom Line 

Learning a violin depends on individual tastes and learning preferences. Violin for beginners and adults are available at EMusic Studio. By choosing methods, practice techniques, and tools, students of any age can learn to play the violin. So, learn the violin lessons in Singapore at a reasonable cost. 

How Cello Lessons Benefit Learners?

Learning music lessons serve a learner a number of quality benefits to boost personality and career. With this, students learn numerous sk...